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For unity and mutual understanding
  • Our fellowship unite members of various denominations. We would like to keep this exceptional gift and extend relationship and understanding among us.
For content of AKA work
  • Content of work in AKA is still under development; we would like to think about our possible help to all Chrisians in Czech Armed Forces.
For new members
  • We would like to grow and offer our fellowship to more people.
For Czech Armed Forces
  • Our Armed Forces are undergoing a big reformation. We would like to support decission making of Czech officials via a prayer.
  • For respect and trust to Armed Forces from public.
  • For all soldiers in active duty.
  • For people leaving armed forces because of reformation.
  • For improvement of relationship between seniors and subordinates. Not only on individual level, but also between general staff and subordinate units at all.
  • For soldiers abroad (especially in missions) and their dependants.